[Film] Interstellar

A performance from EMF 2022 by PJ Evans

On Saturday June 4, 2022 at in Stage C

Saturday 19:30 - 2h 49 - 12

Special Event: Visual special effect artist Eugénie von Tunzelmann answers your questions about her work on Interstellar before the screening.

Christopher Nolan’s classic comes to Electromagnetic Field. A dying Earth is being slowly choked by dust storms and food is running out. An engineer turned farmer tries to support his family but struggles to see a future for his son, daughter and father. A chance encounter reveals a new path that returns him to his former life and takes him across galaxies in search a new world for humankind. Amazing special effects and a rich story are underpinned by a magnificent soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. An epic in the true sense of the word that must be seen on a big screen.