
EMF is an entirely volunteer run event, and without people like you giving their time we wouldn’t be able to make it happen.

During the event we have a wide variety of volunteer roles which you can sign up to do via this website. Each role has shifts throughout the weekend, typically they're about two hours long, and you can choose which shifts you'd like to sign up for to fit in around the other things you want to do. For some roles you might need to attend a short training session, or complete some basic online training.

You'll never be made to do something you're not comfortable with, so don't worry if you're not comfortable getting up on a stage, or operating a sound desk.

Register to volunteer

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering is a great way to get to know new people, learn a new skill, and make EMF the best event possible. If that's not enough, for every volunteer shift you do you'll get a token for a free meal from the volunteer kitchen, which serves three freshly cooked hot meals a day, and provides snacks and drinks between meals.

Finally, anyone who does at least one volunteer shift will receive a voucher to purchase a guaranteed ticket for the next EMF.

The Golden Rules

Don’t overcommit yourself.

Tell us if you can’t get something done.

Nobody will criticise you if you can't do something, and telling us quickly means we can handle the situation.

How to Volunteer

Click the button below to register as a volunteer, which will allow you to choose which roles you're interested in, and then select shifts at a convenient time for you. You can also opt in to receiving a notification if we're having difficulty filling shifts for those roles, which would be greatly appreciated. There's no obligation to take those shifts.

Register to volunteer


If you have any queries about volunteering (or issues during a shift) you can get in touch with the volunteer desk by emailing volunteer@emfcamp.org, calling 1038 on the internal EMF phone system, or stopping by the desk in the Info tent.

Important numbers

From external phones:

First Aid
01908 870909
First aid Tent
01908 870908
Site manager
01908 870904
01908 870912

Internal to EMF phone system:

Site Manager
First Aid Tent
First Aid
Volunteer desk

About volunteering (orga-side)