Opening the Door for the Globally Excluded in Tech

A talk from EMF 2022 by Aisha Nasir

On Sunday June 5, 2022 at in Stage C

The tech industry is powerful in its control of innovation and economic growth, however its dominance is concentrated in the Western World. The Global Majority have the least presence and involvement in this industry and its impact.

Over the years I have worked and volunteered for many organisations aiming to increase the number of marginalised people entering the tech industry. In this talk, I will share my experiences of coding bootcamps, NGOs, and software agencies in London, Palestine, and Ghana, and some of the geopolitical and cultural hurdles I have seen along the way.

With the aim to "do good", and improve diversity in any space, it's difficult to keep in mind that we are creating opportunities for others. Others, with their different experiences, different views and different cultures. Others, that are different to ourselves. Remembering not to center ourselves is tough.