Learn to crochet and contribute to an EMF community crochet blanket

Workshop by Eli Chadwick (he/him and they/them) 🎟

Friday from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in Workshop 5 (Maths)

This workshop is aimed at beginners who have never picked up a crochet hook before. You'll learn how to hold your yarn and hook, practice the basic crochet stitches, then choose your own yarn and a simple written pattern to follow to make a crochet square (for example: striped square, classic granny square, corner-to-corner square). When you're done, you can take your creation away as a souvenir or contribute it to the EMF community crochet blanket which we'll be building throughout the weekend! If you want to keep practicing afterwards, you'll be able to visit the workshop host and the blanket in Tekhnē-cal Village. All materials will be provided. Under-16s must be accompanied by an adult, and both must have a ticket for this workshop. Note: if you know how to crochet and just want to contribute to the blanket, you can do that any time in Tekhnē-cal Village. You don't need to get tickets to this workshop.

Attending this workshop will cost Free
Suitable age range 8+
Attendees should bring Nothing

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