Lego skyscraper scramble

Youth Workshop by Arlo Gillespie & Flora Cornish (Arlo Gillespie (he/him) & Flora Cornish (she/her)) 🎟

Sunday from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM in Youth Workshop

How high a lego skyscraper can you build with 1kg of lego? What is the perfect balance between sturdiness and height? Do you prioritise strong foundations or elegant spires? Can you build a tower that is taller than you? In this workshop, you will collaborate in small teams of 2-3 children and their adults, to reach for the sky with your lego creations. We will provide each team with a 1kg box of mixed lego bricks and unusual lego pieces. You will discover new ways of using lego to achieve unheard-of heights. Enter your skyscrapers into the the height test, the beauty competition, the ‘original’ competition, and for the very confident builders, the earthquake test!

Attending this workshop will cost none
Suitable age range 7+
Attendees should bring none

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