Learn to Solder workshop

Workshop by Mitch Altman (he/him) 🎟

Saturday from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM in Workshop 6 (Hardware Hacking)

Anyone can learn to solder! It is useful and fun. This workshop is for **kids of all ages** (and anyone of any age). Learn to solder by making a cool badge that you can wear and blink wherever you go. The "I Can Solder!" Badge kit is a very simple open hardware kit that anyone can use for learning to solder. I will also give a fun overview of how it works. This workshop is for **total newbies** to learn to solder. All ages. I guarantee your badge will work after you solder it! Under-16s must be accompanied by an adult, and both must have a ticket for this workshop.

Attending this workshop will cost 10 GBP
Suitable age range All ages
Attendees should bring nothing

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