Making automata from paper clips and beads

Workshop by Rob Ives (he/him) 🎟

Saturday from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM in Workshop 5 (Maths)

Come join us for an enchanting workshop where creativity meets mechanics! Participants will learn how to create their own simple automata by making characters and mechanisms from paper clip wire and glass beads. (…and maybe a few other bits and pieces) From flying birds to spinning hearts, learn how to make a variety of different interesting mechanism using pliers and side cutters. Lasting approximately two hours, this hands-on workshop will guide attendees through the step-by-step process of designing and constructing their unique automata. participants will learn how to bring their creations to life through a combination of movement and ingenuity. Under-16s must be accompanied by an adult, and both must have a ticket for this workshop.

Attending this workshop will cost £5
Suitable age range 12+
Attendees should bring Needle nosed pliers, side cutters

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