From Makerspace to Outer Space
Talk by Neil Monteiro 👪
Sunday from 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM in Stage B
Going for a job in the space industry may seem like a moonshot but it's actually much closer than most people think - and a makerspace is a great place to start from. I now work in the space industry but began my journey into engineering just six years ago by joining a makerspace. Using examples from my own experience - plus some history - I’ll examine how the skills you can pick up as a maker translate over to the space sector, how there are plenty of similarities between hobbyist making and professional space engineering, and how Makerspaces teach skills that are actually in great demand in professional engineering! Where there isn't a direct link from makerspaces into professional work, I'd like to go briefly into what skills you should look to pick up, and how to do it, if want you to go for a space job!
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