Submit a talk proposal

The Call for Participation will close for talks & workshops on Thursday 25th April.

You will still be able to submit installations, performances and youth workshops after this date

What we're looking for

At previous events we've heard about everything from genetic modification to electronics history, antarctic research to eco-houses, blacksmithing to high-energy physics, reverse engineering to lock picking, computer security to crocheting, and quadcopters to brewing.

If you're enthusiastic about it, we are too! You don't need to be a professional or an expert to present.

What it's like

We'll give you one of our three stages for up to an hour to talk on any subject. The smallest stage seats 500, the largest 1000. If this sounds scary don't worry – our audience is very friendly, and our Speaker Operations team will help you prepare both before the event and on the day. If you've never given a talk before we're happy to advise and help you with your presentation.

If your talk is under 10 minutes we might ask you to give a Lightning Talk instead, where one hour-long slot is filled by many people all giving short talks (often for the first time).


After you submit a proposal, it will be reviewed anonymously by a diverse selection panel. Learn more about the selection process.

Your details

Please log in if you've already bought a ticket (or had one transferred to you). We will use this address for any questions about your proposal.

About your talk

The title and description of your talk will be made public. You'll be able to tweak these later, but please provide as much detail as you can so we can review your submission.

We will anonymise these fields before sending them to our reviewers, so please try to avoid including personally identifiable information.

If you are employed by or affiliated with an organisation which is related to the topic of your talk, you should disclose this in the description.

More details

We'll use these details to help us schedule your talk.

We'll provide a sound system and projector or screen.

If accepted, how much notice do you need? We'll try and give you as much time as we can.

We're happy to advise on submissions before they are reviewed. We don't consider lack of experience a problem and we welcome those who haven't given talks before.

We have some budget to subsidise travel within the UK for those who could not otherwise afford it.